Can I shop for these items in person?

Yes, on Thorns (and Timbers!) match days you can come to our storefront at The Axe and Rose at the corner of SW 18th and Morrison (across from the stadium) in the 2.5 hours leading up to the kickoff and for an hour after the match. During away games, we will be periodically setting up a pop-up shop at viewing parties. Please monitor our social media feeds for updates on those events. 

Can I order online and pick up the items in person?

No can do. Our storage space is limited, so all online orders will be shipped out.

When should my order arrive?

We try to ship out orders once a week. Volunteers do not work on specific days, but you will get an email when your order is shipped out with a tracking number. If it has been 10 business days and you haven't received your shipping information, please email us at merch@rosecityriveters.org. 

Do you have No Pity scarves / Timbers Army merch?

Only when you shop in person at our storefront. When you're buying online, you'll need to visit nopityoriginals.com to get your Timbers Army gear.

Do you you have kits / Nike merch / Thorns-branded anything?

Nope. We are the Rose City Riveters supporters group you see in the stadium (the singing, clapping, drumming zone). We are 100% volunteer and create our merchandise out of love for the team and to generate funds for our work both inside and outside the stadium (smoke isn't free, and neither is community work). Come by the Axe & Rose to hear more about the org, or reach out to us via email or social media.

How rad is it being across the street from the stadium these days?

Real f***ing rad. 

Are you open to ideas? Can I join the team?

Absolutely. We're always looking for people interested in working the storefront, organizing, project managing, designing, and ideating. Email merch@rosecityriveters.org if you're interested in getting involved.